Our goal is to create a warm, welcoming community in inner-Sydney, CBD and surrounds.
Learning is Judaism's most vital institution and we strive to make Jewish education accessible to everyone through our many classes, lectures, get-togthers, lunchtime Shiurim, one-on-one sessions and countless more.
Jewish life is a series of celebrations; from the weekly Shabbos celebration to Jewish festivals and the Jewish life-cycle. The goal of CBDChabad is to create a warm and welcoming community celebrating together.
At CBDChabad we always endeavour to create experiences which bring young people together in a comforting and welcoming environment, and build connections and bonds between people, community & Judaism.
Come join us at CBDChabad sydney
We want you!!
For all our awesome events, programs and services,
Make a connection with us and make a real difference to your life.
Whether you pop in for a Friday night Shabbat dinner, or attend one of our Lunch & Learn sessions, or even tune into our live-stream lectures, CBDChabad provides a wealth of opportunities for young professionals and families to get in touch with their spirituality, Judaism and each other.
Jewish Education and spiritual wellbeing should be accessible to everyone.
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Our goal is to make connecting with your Judaism and spirituality easily accessible.
With the monotony and sameness of everyday busy working life for young people today, it is all too easy to leave your Judaism to the Synagogue.
We believe that spirituality is something that is innately a part of every person, and a part of all humdrum aspects of everyday life. Our goal here is to make Judaism applicable to people’s everyday lives. Something that they can keep with them in their families, homes, workplaces and in between.
Our services and programs are focused, at the heart of them, on helping people realise who they are as a Jew, and as a part of the Sydney Jewish Community. This is why, one of our core principles is that no matter their affiliation or connection to their Jewish roots everyone should have access to unlimited Jewish education, and it should be relevant, applicable and personal.