Connect with your community and Judaism at CBDChabad Sydney
CBDChabad Sydney programs and services to bring people together.

Teffillin To You
At CBDChabad we take the chance to influence all men to put on the Tefillin regardless of their level of observance or affiliation.

Mezuzah Service
Don’t have a Mezuzah on your door? Contact CBDChabad Sydney today, and we will take care of it for you.

Office & Home Kashering
At CBDChabad Sydney we are available to help you through your Kashering process for your home or office. Simply reach out to us.

Life-cycle Events
For every life cycle milestone you can count on CBDChabad Sydney to be there to helo you out and celebtrate with you. We are here for you.

Young Adult Networking
CBDChabad Sydney networking events CBDChabad young adult professional and business events are designed for young Jewish creatives & professionals who wish to advance their careers

Mentoring & Couselling
We are dedicated and committed to to each and every person who comes to them seeking counselling or mentoring of any kind.

Career Assistance
As one of our many services here at CBDChabad Sydney, we use our skills and extensive local network to help with career assitance.

Spiritual Care & Home Visits
At CBDChabad, we are here to support and spiritually accompany you whether you are encountering joy, sorrow, or any change.

Corrective Services NSW Chaplaincy
We are accredited and certified chaplains from the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW, and are available as required.

Foodcare Benevolence Packages
Distributing care and food packages to those experiencing crisis, low-income, new mothers, ill health, elderly and many many more.
Upcoming Events
We hope to see you at our next event, here’s what we have coming up.