Young, Jewish professionals in the CBD, surrounds and inner-East make up a large proportion of our immediate community. All too often, consumed by their incredibly busy lifestyles, they have little time and energy left over to take care of their spiritual needs or to focus on their Jewish identity and growth.
This is where CBDChabad Sydney step in and bring their spirituality and Judaism to their office. For all those professionals, we bring Jewish to work for them with our office visits.
Whether it is a hosted Lunch n Learn, or to put on a Tefillin, we here at CBDChabad are constantly inventing and imagining interesting offerings to bring to the office. Whether you might be interested in arranging a one-to-one learning session during your lunch break, or wish to arrange a Lunch n Learn class at your office CBDChabad Sydney is hereto provide our young professionals a vast array of study and learning options to bring relevant and inspiring Judaism to your office.
We Would love to hear from you
If you wish learn more about CBDChabad and our many services, or you wish to join us for any of our events, learning sessions, festive meals or feel like you just want to reach out, please fill out this form and we will be in touch with you.