Tefillin Explained
Tefillin (phylacteries) are a set of small leather boxes which contain small scrolls of parchment inscribed with the Shema. One is worn on the head and one is worn on the arm.
Tefillin is worn by Jewish men, over the age of Bar Mitzvah, during weekday morning prayers. This is something that is commanded in the Torah, and is viewed as a very powerful Mitzvah. There are many, whos record over the ages, indicates that the binding of the Tefillin has changed their lives.
The Tefillin are a very intricate sets of laws and requirements and there are many aspects that must all meet these guidelines in order to render the Tefillin Kosher. If even a single requirement is not met, then the Tefillin is not kosher and cannot be used.
All Jewish men over the age of Bar Mitzvah (13 years) should perform the Mitzvah of donning the tefillin. This can be done at any time of day, however mostly are worn during morning prayers, except Shabbat. When a Tefillin is put on a prayer is said.
Read more about Tefillin at chabad.org here
CBDChabad and Tefillin
At CBDChabad we are committed to the Chabad custom of offering all Jews an opportunity to put on Tefillin.
The Lubavicher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, urged all Jews to reach out to those less affiliated to encourage them to undertake specific practices, most notably that one of the Mitzvah of the Tefillin. Chabad emissaries across the globe have been pursuing outreach efforts to offer as many as possible the opportunity to perform this Mitzvah.
At CBDChabad we take the chance to influence all men to put on the Tefillin regardless of their level of observance or affiliation.
If you are a man over the age of Bar Mitzvah and need help fulfilling this important Mitzvah, please reach out to Rabbi Danny in our CONTACT section.
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