The role of a chaplain
Chaplains are independent personnel who have access to correctional centres through their accreditation (from the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW). Chaplains are a part of the team who look after the needs of a person and contribute to case management.
They have had clinical pastoral training to people in crisis and minister to a broad range of pastoral concerns associated with the correctional environment. These pastoral concerns include for example, sickness, grief and loss, emotional disruption, life changes and faith issues. Chaplains endeavour to support people who are hurting in any way with sensitivity and compassion.
Functions required to be performed by chaplains generally fall under the following categories: worship, spirituality, pastoral care, welfare, counselling, education, facilitation of religious and cultural events, family support, community relations, liaison and staff care.
Chaplains may spend most of their time ministering with inmates but are also available to assist correctional staff. Working in the correctional centre environment can be very demanding and stressful and staff can sometimes have challenging personal life issues to cope with.
Chaplains may be full time, half time or sessional (hourly). While retaining their identity and function as religious and pastoral people they are attached to a correctional centre and are involved in the life of that community. They approach their ministry in an ecumenical and interfaith sensitive way with a strong emphasis on teamwork.
Corrective Services NSW chaplaincy from CBDChabad sydney
Rabbi Danny and Rebbetzin Sara-Tova Yaffe are both accredited and certified chaplains from the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW, and are available as required to aid in any way they can.
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