Celebrate Shabbos & Festivals with CBDChabad Sydney
CBDChabad Sydney Shabbos & Festivals programs and services
Jewish life is a series of celebrations; from the weekly Shabbos celebration to Jewish festivals and the Jewish life-cycle.
The goal of CBDChabad is to create a warm and welcoming community celebrating together.

Friday Night Dinners
Friday Night and Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat is a commemoration of the seventh day, on which G-d rested after having created the world. The Torah states;

High Holidays Services
High Holidays are referred to as the holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashana is also known as the Head of

Shofar Blowing
What is the Shofar and why do we blow it? A Shofar is a ram’s horn (or one made from another Kosher animal), and it

Sukkos at CBDChabad Sydney
WELCOME TO SUKKOS @ CBDCHABAD SYDNEY Sukkot is the Jewish holiday which is celebrated on the 15th of Tishrei. The name Sukkot is plural for

City-wide Channukah Lighting
Lighting the candles on Chanukah Chanukah is a holiday which commemorates the re-dedication of the Second Beit HaMikdash in Jerusalem, where Jews had risen up

Purim Events
The festival of Purim in a nutshell …we hope! Purim is the Jewish festival of celebration, joy, festivities and best of all, dressing up. It

Pesach Sedorim
Pesach Pesach is a major Jewish Holiday which celebrates the Jews’ redemption from slavery in Egypt. Pesach is celebrated for eight days during which strict

Lag B’Omer Events
Lag B’Omer Lag B’Omer is the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, it is a festive day and is celebrated with outings, bonfires,

Shavuot Late Night Learning
Shavuot and why we learn all night Shavuot is the Jewish holiday marking the receiving of the Torah by the Jewish people at Mt Sinai.

Tisha B’Av Service
Tisha B’Av, is the 9th of Av. It is a day that marks the destruction of both the first and second Beit Hamikdash (our Holy

Tu B’Av with CBDChabad Sydney
Day of Love Tu B’Av – 15th of Av is a day when confessions of sins are omitted from daily prayer, and one is advised
Upcoming Events
We hope to see you at our next event, here’s what we have coming up.