From birth to death, life cycle events in Judaism are enriched and sanctioned by the rituals, traditions and observances attached to each milestone.
Rituals and traditions are very important – it is through these rituals that we build families, communities, and help provide a sense of connection. Jewish traditions and rituals have helped each generation establish a connection to the generations that came before, and thus ensure continuity of people, of community.
Major Life cycle Events in Judaism
Birth – Brit Milah | Baby Naming | Pidyon HaBen
The birth of a new baby is celebrated by bringing them into the covenant. If the baby is a boy a Brit Milah ceremony is held and a Hebrew name is given to the child. For girls the naming takes place at a Torah reading.
If the boy is a first-born, then a ‘redeeming’ ceremony is held at 30 days old. More about Pidyon HaBen here.
Upsherin – when a boy turns three years old, he is given his first haircut in a ritual ceremony called an Upserin. This is also when the boys dons a Yarmulke / Kippah and Tzitzit. More about Upsherin here.
Bar / Bat Mitzvah – the marking of passage into adulthood which occurs for girls when they turn 12 and boys when they turn 13. Young teens prepare for this milestone through learning.
Engagement / Wedding – Ketubah, Keddushin, Chuppah, the breaking of the glass, the reception and so many more rituals and traditions govern the Jewish Wedding.
Marriage – In preparation for marriage, couples commence Chatan / Kallah classes once they become engaged. Marriage and relationships are approached from the Torah perspective, as well as the ritual observances each undertakes once entering into their Jewish marriage.
Divorce – Jewish Divorce (Get) is viewed as a last resort, although sometime unavoidable. Prior to dissolution of a marriage marriage counseling, support, aid, coping strategies are all offered to the couple to help strengthen their relationship. However, once deemed unavoidable there are rituals to be following in the process towards getting a Get.
End Of Life – Jewish tradition and ritual encompass all aspects of life, be they joyous or not. The Torah is there to support us during loss and grief and mourning. Rituals that have been in place for generations are leaned upon to support in dark times as well.
Grief & Loss – the Torah even provides rituals for how to handle our grief and loss.
Lifecycle events and CBDChabad Sydney
At CBDChabad Sydney we are here to support and share in your life cycle events.
We help new parents get in touch with a Mohel for their Brit Milah ceremonies, we help guide and educate them in the observances and rituals, and ais in any way we can to celebrate their baby’s Brit Mailah according to Jewish law and custom.
Rabbi Danny and Rebbetzin Sara-Tova are here to help new parents learn the importance of a Hebrew name for their new baby, and are able to help guide the process.
For the newly engaged young couples Rabbi Danny and Rabbetzin Sara-Tova have classes and one-on-one sessions learning of the customs and traditions of an engagement ceremony, the Kiddushin the breaking of the plate, the significance of all the rituals that take place and their importance.
In preparation for the wedding, classes, counseling and mentoring is offered to the couple to teach the practical aspects of a Jewish wedding as well as the more nuanced Torah perspective towards relationships, gender roles, marriage and resolution. After the couple is married the support is still available to help the new couple navigate the new territory of marriage.
Counseling, mentoring and support is offered to anyone suffering marital problems. the Jewish approach is to do everything to make a marriage work, and a divorce is the absolute last resort. CBDChabad is here to support anyone who needs it.
For those suffering the loss of a relative, we are here to help guide in the ritual observances pertinent to a Jewish burial, as well as the traditions around mourning.
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